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In My Opinion: With trackers, BAN ignores its own advice

Published: September 14, 2017


John Lingelbach

The Basel Action Network (BAN) has issued a second report presenting information derived from its GPS tracking activities. Like the first report from a year ago, this report names electronics recyclers and leaves the casual reader presuming each named recycler is complicit in illegal exporting (part of an “export chain,” as BAN puts it).

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In My Opinion: Real data to solve a real problem

Published: October 5, 2017


Jim Puckett

In his Sept. 14 op-ed piece, Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI) Executive Director John Lingelbach expresses the belief that Basel Action Network’s (BAN) publishing of export tracking data, including the names of companies that handled each tracker in its chain of export, is irresponsible without extensive and costly investigations completed prior to release of data.

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Certification scorecard: Feb. 15, 2018

Published: February 15, 2018


Commercial Records Center of El Paso, Texas; Eco Shred of Lafayette, Ind.; Paper Recycling & Shredding Specialists of Pomona, Calif.; Phoenix Recycling of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Secure On-Site Shredding of Richardson, Texas and Shred Doc Destr dba Balcones Shred of Dallas have either achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.

Visit our archive to view previous editions of the scorecard.


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