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E-Scrap News magazine is the premier trade journal for electronics recycling and refurbishment experts. It offers updates on the latest equipment and technology, details trends in electronics recycling legislation, highlights the work of innovative processors, and covers all the other critical industry news.

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Tracking service launched to provide eyes downstream

Published: May 24, 2018


A computer tower with a tracking device provided by the Green Tracking Service (device at lower right).

A U.S. company has begun providing an e-scrap tracking service so processors and OEMs can see where their downstream vendors are sending devices. One processor is already regularly using the service.

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Certification scorecard: May 24, 2018

Published: May 24, 2018


Beckley’s of Rochester, Minn., Kent Record Management or Norton Shores, Mich.; Shred-It USA of Marquette, Mich.; and Shred Monster of Columbus, Neb. have either achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.

Visit our archive to view previous editions of the scorecard.


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