The e-Stewards e-scrap certification body is gearing up to release an update, and it’s providing certain perks to draw in operators that have not been certified to the standard previously.
The e-Stewards e-scrap certification body is gearing up to release an update, and it’s providing certain perks to draw in operators that have not been certified to the standard previously.
A metals recycling company that buys and sells e-scrap recently declared bankruptcy and is reorganizing its business to remain operational.
Green Tracking Service is making several changes to its GPS monitoring products, including new tracker models and more data being reported to users.
A United Nations-backed study predicts massive growth in global tonnages of end-of-life electronics, and it examines how the recycling sector can best prepare.
Two key figures in the multi-million dollar Closed Loop Refining and Recovery lawsuit spoke at this year’s E-Scrap Conference about liability for CRT cleanups. And while they differed on a few central points, they agreed that OEMs should share in the responsibility.
A data center decommissioning firm is expanding its operations, and a new company leader says this sector of the e-scrap industry will grow alongside the exponential increase in cloud computing.
An ITAD firm has nearly tripled the size of its Northeast operation after seeing greater demand in that region, and the company is gearing up for further expansion next year.
A New York Times photo essay on electronics recycling in the West Bank shows unsafe practices that experts say correlate with health problems among residents.
Legislation limiting e-scrap exports has now been introduced in both federal legislative chambers, and in both cases the bills have bipartisan sponsorship.
GEEP Canada and the Shift Group of Companies are bringing together their e-scrap and ITAD offerings, a move they say will boost their reach across Canada.