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Tag Archives: industry groups

Stakeholders talk recycling fixes before Congress

Published: September 28, 2021

Elizabeth Biser, of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality

Elizabeth Biser of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality described the importance of strong state support for materials recovery during a hearing last week.

U.S. senators last week heard about how stronger end-market demand, state support for materials recovery, technology advancements and more can strengthen the U.S. recycling system.

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Brands invest in Ohio plastics recycling operation

Published: August 24, 2021

Business handshake with documents on conference table.

The American Beverage Association, Ohio Beverage Association and investment firm Closed Loop Partners announced their combined $5 million investment in Evergreen’s Ohio expansion. | Takorn / Shutterstock

Beverage giants and an investment firm are putting millions of dollars behind PET reclaimer Evergreen.

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Toolkit gives cities a lift on multi-family recycling

Published: August 10, 2021


Local officials and property managers can use The Recycling Partnership’s tools to better communicate acceptable materials and proper diversion practices to multi-family residents. | jamesteohart / Shutterstock

The Recycling Partnership has launched a digital resource offering a variety of free customizable outreach materials to help recycling coordinators boost materials recovery at apartment and condo complexes.

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Experts provide 30 fixes for California recycling system

Published: July 7, 2021

View inside a MRF.

The California Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets & Curbside Recycling in late June published an expansive report with recommendations for lawmakers. | Nordroden / Shutterstock

A government-convened commission of California recycling stakeholders has outlined steps to boost markets and cut contamination. But the group’s report also leaves PP plastic off a key initial list of accepted materials, drawing quick pushback from national associations.

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SWANA reports drop in waste and recycling industry deaths

Published: July 7, 2021

Municipal waste and recycling collection worker with bins.

For 2020, SWANA tallied a total of 52 on-the-job waste and recycling industry fatalities. This year the numbers are trending downward. | Somchai_Stock / Shutterstock

Half as many solid waste workers were killed on the job during the first half of this year compared with recent years, according to the Solid Waste Association of North America.

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Industry’s $9.5 million effort brings carts to Baltimore

Published: June 29, 2021

Aerial view of Baltimore and inner harbor.

A collaboration will provide over $9 million to boost recycling in Baltimore. | iofoto / Shutterstock

Over 200,000 Baltimore households will receive free recycling carts after corporate, nonprofit and government partners collaborated to provide cash grants and more.

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