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Tag Archives: industry groups

Mills re-commit to buying recycled paper cups

Published: December 21, 2021

Paper coffee cups stacked for recycling.

A number of major recycled fiber consumers have stated their willingness to accept plastic-lined paper cups in mixed-paper or carton bales. | BublikHaus/Shutterstock

Pratt, Georgia-Pacific, Graphic Packaging International and other paper mill owners have signed a statement affirming that they want plastic-coated paper cups in their feedstock.

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Study: Decision to recycle is only the first step

Published: December 14, 2021

Household recycling bins to separate materials.

A research study found consumers are most likely to recycle when it is made as easy as possible, meaning that recycling availability and clear instructions are important. | Alexsandra Suzi/Shutterstock

Research commissioned by the Carton Council identified logistical and psychological factors that play into recycling habits. The study suggests boosting residential materials recovery will require more than convincing consumers recycling is the right choice.

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Closed Loop venture capital fund raises $50 million

Published: December 14, 2021

Autodesk sign on building with blue sky above.

The Closed Loop Ventures Group fund is supported by corporations including Microsoft and foundations such as the Autodesk Foundation. | Tada Images/Shutterstock

Investment firm Closed Loop Partners this week announced millions of dollars are ready to be invested in startup companies working in various sectors related to materials management.

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Coca-Cola and others report using more recycled plastic

Published: December 7, 2021

Unilever company logo on building in Warsaw, Poland.

Unilever reported a 6-percentage-point increase in its post-consumer resin usage in 2020, outpacing most other large brand owners. | Konektus Photo/Shutterstock

Global packaged goods companies disclosed their post-consumer resin usage for 2020, and most of the biggies reported purchasing more recycled plastic than the year before.

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Northeast MRFs report skyrocketing bale values

Published: November 30, 2021


A survey of 16 MRFs in 10 northeastern states found the average blended value of a ton of curbside recyclables rose substantially in the third quarter. | Natallia Boroda/Shutterstock

Materials recovery facilities in the northeastern U.S. enjoyed a sharp increase in recyclables prices during the third quarter, according to a survey from the Northeast Recycling Council.

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Stakeholders chime in for America Recycles Day

Published: November 16, 2021

Novelis - State Farm Arena - Cups

Aluminum recycling company Novelis signed a recycling partnership agreement with the Atlanta Hawks and State Farm Arena. | Courtesy of Novelis

A call for recycling consistency, the launch of a multi-family recycling pilot program, and details on free local-program resources were among the announcements tied to America Recycles Day. Continue Reading

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EPA publishes finalized National Recycling Strategy

Published: November 16, 2021

Carlton Waterhouse of the U.S. EPA.

Carlton Waterhouse, deputy administrator of the U.S. EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management, speaks during a Nov. 15 event.

In conjunction with America Recycles Day, the U.S. EPA on Nov. 15 released a roadmap for improving municipal recycling across the country. Officials say materials recovery is an important component of materials management, but it is not the entire story.

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Aluminum can producers to lobby for deposit legislation

Published: November 10, 2021

Baled UBCs at Constellium's recycling plant in Muscle Shoals, Ala.

Constellium’s plant in Muscle Shoals, Ala. can annually recycle up to 340,000 metric tons of post- and pre-consumer aluminum scrap. | Courtesy of Constellium

Beverage can manufacturers will direct money into pushing state lawmakers to pass new container deposit laws, as part of an industry effort to boost UBC recycling rates.

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Pollution impacts are just a piece of environmental justice

Published: October 19, 2021


U.S. EPA official Carlton Waterhouse told an audience at the Northeast Recycling Council’s fall conference that social equity is integral to sustainability. | Sirisak Baokaew/Shutterstock

Carlton Waterhouse, a key U.S. EPA waste official, says moving toward a circular economy is not enough. Instead, society needs a “circular economy for all.” Continue Reading

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