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Tag Archives: fiber

Israeli business says it wants the material MRFs reject

Published: October 15, 2019


UBQ currently operates in Israel but is eyeing Virginia as a possible location for a large-scale facility. | Courtesy of UBQ Materials

A nascent company that makes a composite material from the non-recycled waste stream is looking to site a processing plant in the U.S.

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Fiber continues to flow to China … for now

Published: October 8, 2019


Trade data shows the U.S. has exported 4.2 million short tons of recovered fiber to China from January through August this year. | apiguide/Shutterstock

China continues to import a substantial amount of OCC from the U.S. and elsewhere. But an all-out ban and other regulatory changes loom on the horizon.

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Details on $315 million NY mill project

Published: October 8, 2019


The CorrVentures mill in N.Y. projects to consume some 330,000 tons per year of mixed paper and OCC. | sylv1rob1/Shutterstock

Developers of a recycled paper mill in New York have released new feedstock and financial figures for the project.

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Trump to visit new recycled paper mill

Published: September 17, 2019


President Trump plans to join Australia’s prime minister on a paper mill tour Sept. 22. | Michael Candelori/Shutterstock

Pratt Industries’ 100% recycled containerboard mill in Wapakoneta, Ohio will host President Donald Trump for a tour this weekend, putting a spotlight on a major new end-market for recovered paper.

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Experts talk recycled paper realities and forecasts

Published: September 10, 2019


From left: Mick Barry, Brian Hawkinson, Shailesh Gothal, Dave Yousif, Mark Bond and Dave Claugus at the 2019 Resource Recycling Conference and Trade Show. | Brian Adams Photography/Resource Recycling Conference

MRF operators, brokers and others recently discussed why fiber is still “the elephant in the room” in municipal recycling conversations.

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Indonesia’s fiber import rules become more clear

Published: August 20, 2019


Indonesia’s government has been developing more rigorous import restrictions for recovered fiber for the past several months. | Unureanu Catalina Oana/Shutterstock

After months of uncertainty about recovered paper restrictions in Indonesia, the nation’s government has opted to evaluate bale contamination using two separate categories, according to multiple industry groups.

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