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Tag Archives: exports

US fiber exports rebound after two years of declines

Published: March 15, 2022

Cargo ship container port at dusk.

Census Bureau data shows U.S. companies exported nearly 18 million short tons of recovered fiber in 2021, up 13% from the year prior. | DifferR/Shutterstock

Scrap fiber exports to China collapsed in 2021, but the rest of the world more than made up the difference. Scrap plastics, however, continued their years-long decline in shipments.

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Paper processor plans $267 million pulping plant in Virginia

Published: January 18, 2022

Chesapeake, Va. shown on map.

Celadon’s 335,000-square-foot Chesapeake, Va. facility is anticipated to be up and running by 2024. | Tudoran Andrei/Shutterstock

Celadon Development Corporation announced plans to expand its North American footprint with a recycling and production facility in Virginia to export recycled pulp to China.

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Paper exports stable despite Chinese market exit

Published: November 30, 2021

Cargo ship docked at a shipping terminal.

U.S. fiber exports totaled 4.38 million short tons during the third quarter, up from 4.30 million in 2020. | Avigator Fortuner/Shutterstock

The third quarter of the year brought a resilient recovered fiber export market, even as the largest overseas buyer virtually disappeared. Meanwhile, scrap plastic exports continued a precipitous decline.

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Amid shipping crisis, recycling loads often ‘first to get cut’

Published: October 26, 2021

Cargo stacked at port in Indonesia.

Global shipping constraints are impacting recovered commodities traders in unique ways. | Creativa Images / Shutterstock

Strife in the global shipping sector continues to impact North American recycling, with companies experiencing higher rates as well as decreased shipping availability and reliability.

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California bill deems some exports ‘disposal’

Published: September 8, 2021

export containers

Legislation awaiting the governor’s signature would classify mixed plastics that are generated in California and exported from the U.S. as “disposal” rather than “recycling.” | Sumrit Tesrumphun/Shutterstock

California lawmakers have approved a bill that would no longer allow scrap plastic that is exported to be considered recycled. The legislation now heads to the governor for final consideration.

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Scrap paper exports jump 21% in first half of year

Published: August 10, 2021

Stacked cargo shipping containers at port.

Recovered fiber exports jumped from 7.4 million short tons in the first half of 2020 to 9.0 million short tons this year. | Sreytoch Lann / Shutterstock

Recovered fiber exports increased significantly during the first six months of 2021 compared with the same period last year, with a spike in material moving to India and Thailand. Plastic exports were steady year over year.

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Indonesia confirms import contamination limit

Published: July 20, 2021


Indonesia’s 2% contamination rule for recovered fiber imports is likely to take effect in September. | Triawanda Tirta Aditya / Shutterstock

Recovered fiber will be allowed a maximum of 2% contamination when shipped into Indonesia, which is currently the ninth-largest market for U.S. exports of the material.

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