Aligning recycling metrics with concepts such as sustainable materials management has been a challenge. But a researcher in Florida is offering intriguing possibilities in that area.
Aligning recycling metrics with concepts such as sustainable materials management has been a challenge. But a researcher in Florida is offering intriguing possibilities in that area.
Opinions vary widely on the best tactic to record a program’s diversion progress. An expert recommends returning to the basics with a relatively simple calculation that shows areas for improvement.
The U.S. paper recovery rate declined to under 66 percent last year after multiple years of increases, and an industry group says China’s import ban is to blame.
Collection-related fatalities made up nearly two-thirds of all waste and recycling industry deaths last year, according to figures from the Solid Waste Association of North America.
More than 100 government and corporate recycling leaders convened in Chattanooga, Tenn. to assess where the recycling industry stands in terms of data collection and analysis, and to generate recommendations on what new measurement steps need to be taken.
Six East Coast states experienced seven waste and recycling deaths in only the first week and a half of 2018, according to an industry group.
Waste and recycling haulers had slightly fewer fatal workplace injuries in 2016 than the year earlier, according to figures from the federal government.
A research paper on individual steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has precipitated a host of mainstream media stories, many of which aren’t kind to recycling.
Global packaging producer Sonoco recycled the equivalent of 57 percent of the packaging it placed on the market last year.