California has ordered two companies to pay $13.8 million in restitution and penalties, alleging violations of beverage container redemption laws. But the companies are fighting back.
California has ordered two companies to pay $13.8 million in restitution and penalties, alleging violations of beverage container redemption laws. But the companies are fighting back.
A legal petition filed last week claims a mixed-waste processing facility being built by Waste Management in California could harm source-separation efforts.
Three optical sorters and a variety of screening technologies form the upgraded backbone of a recently re-opened California MRF.
The Los Angeles Board of Public Works recommended seven haulers who should be awarded contracts in the City’s upcoming commercial franchise hauling zones.
California regulators are signaling they may want a mandatory program covering end-of-life management for packaging, and a workshop next week will explore what the details could look like.
The California Product Stewardship Council has helped form a new group to advocate for extended producer responsibility laws around the country.
California regulators are threatening to bring the hammer down on a carpet stewardship group, saying it has failed for years to grow carpet recycling.
Construction progress on Waste Management’s Alameda County facility as of February 2017. Photo credit: CalRecycle
An organics-focused operation in California estimated to cost more than $120 million will extract recoverable material from municipal solid waste. But it’s not aimed at replacing curbside recycling and compost collection.
The statewide recycling and composting rate for California fell to 47 percent last year after hovering near 50 percent during the previous three years.
Following the recent shuttering of nearly 200 container redemption centers in California, the state says it is exploring ways to prevent further closures as it grapples with its own funding questions.