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Maryland EPR bill gains industry backing

Published: March 1, 2022

Annapolis, Md. seen from above with capitol and flags.

An extended producer responsibility (EPR) bill in Maryland would give more control to packaging producers than either Maine or Oregon’s legislation. | Nicole Glass Photography/Shutterstock

A bill introduced in Maryland’s legislature would establish an extended producer responsibility system for packaging that could give producers more control and flexibility than laws in Oregon and Maine.
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Environmental voice guides recycling labeling policy push

Published: February 22, 2022

Oregon capitol building with trees in bloom.

Oregon’s Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act was signed into law in August 2021, creating a 12-person task force to research and evaluate recyclability claims. | Yanqiang Dai/Shutterstock

For several years, lawmakers across the U.S. have been drafting policy to address concerns about ocean plastic. In Oregon, a key recycling labeling task force elected a representative from an ocean environmental group as vice chair.

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Survey shows landfill tip fees remain stable

Published: February 22, 2022


Landfill tip fees were relatively flat in 2021, according to newly released data. | Kawin168/Shutterstock

Last year, price tags for a range of new things jumped sharply from the year before, but the cost to landfill those things was pretty much flat.

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Recycling markets elevate earnings for WM and others

Published: February 22, 2022

Staff picks material off the sort line in a materials processing facility.

The largest waste and recycling haulers in North America reported rising revenues for 2021. | Photick/Shutterstock

Surging commodity prices drove markedly higher recycling revenues for the largest haulers in North America last year. Those companies say they’ll put a lot of money into upgrading their MRFs in 2022.

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How one operator forged a path on electric collection trucks

Published: February 22, 2022

EcoCycle electric truck launch

Eco-Cycle recently held a launch event for their 100% electric truck. | Credit: Kay Beaton

Nonprofit hauler and processor Eco-Cycle is bringing the first electric collection truck to Colorado’s streets, but it took a series of other firsts – and plenty of patience – to get there.

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