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EPA lays out steps to bolster US recycling landscape

Published: October 13, 2020

Waste and recycling carts on a Florida street.

In addition to the draft strategy, the EPA plans to release a list of national recycling goals this fall. | Kristi Blokhin/Shutterstock

A draft of the U.S. EPA’s National Recycling Strategy was published last week. The plan aims to foster a “stronger, more resilient and cost-effective” recycling system.

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US officials lay out Basel impact for plastic exporters

Published: October 13, 2020

Export shipping terminal from above.

There are now only a few types of scrap plastic shipments not subject to the new Basel criteria. | Go_Legacy/Shutterstock

Experts with the U.S. EPA say there are a number of potential outcomes from upcoming shifts in global rules governing scrap plastic shipments. Under one possibility, trade in scrap plastic will no longer be allowed between the U.S. and most other countries.

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How market and material changes have stung Ontario

Published: October 6, 2020

Baled OCC for recycling.

The Continuous Improvement Fund wrote that China’s National Sword campaign increased sorting costs and drove down commodity sales revenues in Ontario. | joi54/Shutterstock

China’s National Sword and the evolving packaging stream have pushed up net recycling costs by nearly 13% in Canada’s largest province.

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The Recycling Partnership and ACC back fees to lift recycling

Published: October 6, 2020

Plastic packaging

The Recycling Partnership recently released “Accelerating Recycling,” a policy document outlining a proposal that includes fees paid by brands and packaging producers. | photka/Shutterstock

Two major industry groups are promoting packaging fees on product makers to support recycling infrastructure development, a shift one MRF operator described as a “historical moment.”

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Pacific NW states ponder paper and packaging EPR

Published: September 29, 2020

Household recycling bin with various packaging.

A committee in Oregon envisions a uniform statewide “accepted recyclables list,” as well as “truth-in-labeling” requirements, which would require packaging to have accurate labeling indicating whether it should be recycled, composted or disposed of in the trash. | emmavgerard/Shutterstock

A multi-stakeholder group in Oregon is urging state leaders to implement an extended producer responsibility program for printed paper and packaging. In Washington, officials are developing recommendations to reduce plastic packaging waste.

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Recycling sector shows positive financial outlook

Published: September 29, 2020

Hand holding a pen while looking at business documents.

The financial services sector is taking note of the waste and recycling sector’s growing prominence in corporate sustainability measures. | Bacho/Shutterstock

Financial experts predict restructured contracts will lead to greater stability in the recycling sector. They also anticipate technology and corporate sustainability pushes will benefit the industry while ample consolidation will continue.

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Scrap paper and plastic markets hit by confluence of forces

Published: September 22, 2020


According to one analyst, domestic demand for OCC was up about 6% during the first five months of 2020. | digitalreflections/Shutterstock

Supply and demand realities for key curbside materials are evolving fast, impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, domestic processing capacity increases and other key trends, according to two experts. Continue Reading

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