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In My Opinion: How I see the way forward for the NRC

Published: August 29, 2017


Juri Freeman

I wish to depart the National Recycling Coalition by sharing some of what I learned while on the board, as well as publicly stating my opinion on where I hope to see NRC moving in the future. These thoughts are influenced not only by my time on the NRC board, but also through my close involvement with the Colorado Association for Recycling (CAFR).

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In My Opinion: Opportunities amid the uncertainty

Published: September 26, 2017

Clarissa Morawski

Clarissa Morawski

It’s no secret that China is a leader in international world trade. For years, the country has been a major importer of many types of foreign goods, including timber, dairy products, and petrochemicals. China is also the world’s largest importer of waste. Last year, Chinese manufacturers and recyclers imported 7.3 million metric tons of waste plastics (valued at $3.7 billion), accounting for 56 percent of world imports in that category. It also took in more than half of the world’s exports of waste paper.

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Notes from the NRC: Let’s put an end to inefficient collection

Published: October 17, 2017


John Frederick

Efficiency, affordability and convenience are the building blocks upon which exceptional recycling programs are constructed. Many elements are intertwined with these three components, but they stand out as the essential ingredients for success.

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In Our Opinion: Four reasons to support federal zero waste bill

Published: December 12, 2017


In February, Congressman Keith Ellison reintroduced H.R. 1034, known as the Zero Waste Development and Expansion Act. The bill creates a grant program within the U.S. EPA that would be funded with up to $100 million of investments in zero waste infrastructure.

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