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Circular Polymers to supply PET carpet fiber to Eastman

Published: November 6, 2019


California reclaimer Circular Polymers will ship densified polyester carpet fiber to Eastman for chemical recycling. | Courtesy of Circular Polymers

Densified PET fiber from post-consumer carpet will ride railcars from California to Tennessee, where chemical giant Eastman will feed it into a gasification process.  Continue Reading

Beverage giant unveils marine plastic bottles

Published: October 9, 2019


About 300 sample bottles were produced from material collected on beach cleanups and from the Mediterranean Sea. | Courtesy of Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola Co. released a container made partially from ocean plastic, making it the latest company to pursue a food-contact application for the low-grade material.

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Facility to depolymerize up to 88M pounds of PET annually

Published: October 16, 2019

PET bottles for recycling.

The Spartanburg, S.C. depolymerization unit is expected to be up and running by the end of 2020. | Scisetti Alfio

This story has been corrected.

Seeing strong demand, Loop Industries and Indorama Ventures have decided to roughly double the capacity of their first PET depolymerization unit.

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Equipment provider receives FDA food-contact letter

Published: October 9, 2019


The recycled resin produced by Erema’s system could be used at up to 100% recycled content in food and beverage packaging. | shanid chirammal/Shutterstock

Erema got the nod from the U.S. government to use its technology for recycling post-consumer HDPE into food and drink packaging.

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Verdex unveils recycled plastic nanofiber technology

Published: October 9, 2019


Verdex’s technology can be used to process a variety of polymers. | Courtesy of Verdex Technologies

A company has developed a technology for spinning contaminated post-consumer plastic into extremely thin fibers used to make filters, wipes and other products.

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Dow signs plastics recycling deals on two continents

Published: October 4, 2019


Dow recently announced it will collaborate with a Thai virgin plastics producer on recycling solutions. | Jonathan Weiss/Shutterstock

Dow recently inked agreements to boost plastics recovery in Europe and Southeast Asia, including through the use of chemical recycling technologies.

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