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Tag Archives: legislation

Federal lawmakers launch plastics recycling task force

Published: December 11, 2019


The task force will include elected officials at the federal, state and local level, as well as recycling industry representatives. | Orhan Cam/Shutterstock

Four members of Congress this week unveiled a workgroup to boost plastics recycling through technology investments and more. It’s the latest of several recent moves at the national level to address plastics recovery.

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Sweeping plastics initiative submitted in California

Published: November 6, 2019


Recology CEO Michael Sangiacomo told an audience at the 2019 Resource Recycling Conference and Trade Show his company would help bankroll a California initiative taking aim at plastic waste. | Brian Adams Photography

The CEO of West Coast hauler Recology teamed up with environmentalists to this week submit a proposed California ballot initiative taking aim at single-use plastics. Continue Reading

The latest in marine-plastics news

Published: October 23, 2019

Plastic marine debris on an ocean beach.

SC Johnson and Plastic Bank have launched a three-year partnership aimed at preventing ocean plastics and fighting poverty. | Kochneva Tetyana/Shutterstock

A number of ocean plastics-related announcements have been made as the Our Ocean Conference kicks off today in Oslo, Norway.

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Here’s what is (and isn’t) becoming law in California

Published: October 16, 2019


Among the bills Gov. Newsom signed is one that prohibits hotels from providing plastic single-use shampoo, conditioner and lotion bottles. | Susanne Pommer/Shutterstock

California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed legislation forcing beverage companies to use increasingly higher percentages of recycled plastic in coming years, but he signed other bills of consequence.

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PCR bottle mandate approved in California

Published: September 18, 2019

PET bottles for recycling.

Beverage bottles will be subject to phased-in recycled plastic mandates, if AB 792 is signed by the governor. | Myibean/Shutterstock

A recycled plastic requirement for beverage container producers cleared the California legislature last week. But comprehensive legislation reducing single-use packaging failed to advance. Continue Reading

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Municipal sector grapples with plastic realities

Published: September 5, 2019


Juri Freeman of Resource Recycling Systems (left) moderated a plastics-focused panel consisting of (from left to right) Michael Sangiacomo of Recology, Zeina El-Azzi of Brightmark Energy, Kate Bailey of Eco-Cycle and Tim Ponrathnam of Berry Global. | Resource Recycling Conference/Brian Adams Photography

Should some types of single-use plastic be banned? Or is infrastructure improvement a better answer to current plastic waste concerns? A varied group of industry leaders tackled those questions last week.

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State lawmakers give chemical recycling a boost

Published: August 21, 2019


Ohio lawmakers recently passed a bill codifying a number of definitions related to chemical recycling. | Paul Brady Photography/Shutterstock

The sixth- and seventh-largest states in the country recently approved legislation that could help operators using pyrolysis and other technologies.

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