Avangard Innovative, which for years has managed commercial recycling streams and sold scrap to manufacturers, is gearing up to play a larger role in resin production.
Avangard Innovative, which for years has managed commercial recycling streams and sold scrap to manufacturers, is gearing up to play a larger role in resin production.
Canadian HDPE recovery offset decreased recycling of other resins in 2015, according to a recent report, giving overall plastic packaging recycling a net increase for the year.
Photo credit: Revolution Plastics
A free service collecting LDPE films commonly used on farms kicked off in central Minnesota this week, the latest expansion for a growing ag-oriented project.
Prices for recycled LDPE and LLDPE, film grade, moved sharply higher last week, following the upward movement in the prime market.
An agricultural plastics recycling program in Minnesota is proving popular, with more than 100 farmers and dairies signing up in December. Dozens more businesses are expected to join at an event in February.
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is about more than just the latest TVs, smartphones and gadgets. This year’s event also showcased technologies in robotics, health care and plastics recycling.
A production line at GreenMantra Technology’s wax plant in Brantford, Ontario.
Through its use of a catalyst in a patented process, a Canadian company is recycling PE and PP into a variety of industrial waxes.
Two companies are working on a new resin made with a mix of plastic and fiber, and an exports-focused company opens a collection hub.
With the long election season finally over, our election signs can now forget their divisive past and begin anew as toys, lawn chairs or trash cans.
An eight-month initiative in several Chicago hospitals aims to collect 100 tons of plastic and demonstrate the business case for health-care plastics recycling.
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