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Tag Archives: industry groups

Greenpeace: Recycling access belies labeling claims

Published: February 26, 2020


A recent Greenpeace report noted companies are increasingly calling a wider variety of products “recyclable.” | Marko Rupena/Shutterstock

Environmental advocacy group Greenpeace USA released its findings that products made from plastics Nos. 3-7 are being billed as widely recyclable despite low MRF acceptance nationwide.

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Can credit trading drive dollars to plastics recovery?

Published: February 18, 2020


A program officer with Verra explained that the group’s credit-trading system would give companies an avenue to mitigate plastic waste outside the scope of their value chain. | Warut Chinsai/Shutterstock

An initiative backed by several major brands is looking to boost the flow of corporate money to vetted plastics recovery and recycling projects.

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Leaders gather as the sector transforms

Published: February 18, 2020


The 2020 Plastics Recycling Conference and Trade Show is taking place in Nashville, Tenn. this week. | Plastics Recycling Conference / Brian Adams Photography

More than 2,000 plastics recycling professionals are in Nashville, Tenn. this week to better understand the impacts of brand owner goals, policy proposals, recycling technology developments and more.

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Report: Value of curbside materials drops 66% in two years

Published: February 12, 2020

Curbside recycling carts in front of residential properties.

The Recycling Partnership’s “2020 State of Curbside” report delves into updated data on recycling in the U.S. | stephen rudolph/Shutterstock

To quickly grasp the struggles facing American curbside recycling programs, one can follow the money – or lack thereof. In July 2017, a ton of recyclables was worth over $90. In October 2019, it was worth $30. That’s according to new research from The Recycling Partnership.

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Key curbside plastics no longer ‘widely’ recyclable

Published: February 5, 2020


How2Recycle announced that all PP tubs, trays, bottles and cups will now be labeled with the organization’s “check locally” label. | Josep Curto/Shutterstock

Changes in U.S. recycling programs led the How2Recycle labeling initiative to downgrade recyclability classifications for non-bottle rigid PET containers and certain PP products, potentially impacting recovery of those materials.

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Bag producers sign voluntary recycled content pledge

Published: February 5, 2020


Bag producers pledged to support municipal programs in educating the public on proper bag recycling. | Ivanova Tetyana/Shutterstock

A coalition of bag manufacturers is committing to use more recycled plastic in the coming years. Recycling stakeholders are reacting to the pledge, which will include both post-consumer and post-industrial resin.

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The plan to strengthen plastics recovery in Texas

Published: January 29, 2020


The grant funds come as Dallas this month rolled out a multi-family recycling ordinance. | Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

A coalition of industry stakeholders will invest in recycling improvements in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, anticipating the projects will capture an additional 3 million pounds of PET per year.

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