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Sweeping plastics initiative submitted in California

Published: November 6, 2019


Recology CEO Michael Sangiacomo told an audience at the 2019 Resource Recycling Conference and Trade Show his company would help bankroll a California initiative taking aim at plastic waste. | Brian Adams Photography

The CEO of West Coast hauler Recology teamed up with environmentalists to this week submit a proposed California ballot initiative taking aim at single-use plastics. Continue Reading

Beverage giant unveils marine plastic bottles

Published: October 9, 2019


About 300 sample bottles were produced from material collected on beach cleanups and from the Mediterranean Sea. | Courtesy of Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola Co. released a container made partially from ocean plastic, making it the latest company to pursue a food-contact application for the low-grade material.

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Facility to depolymerize up to 88M pounds of PET annually

Published: October 16, 2019

PET bottles for recycling.

The Spartanburg, S.C. depolymerization unit is expected to be up and running by the end of 2020. | Scisetti Alfio

This story has been corrected.

Seeing strong demand, Loop Industries and Indorama Ventures have decided to roughly double the capacity of their first PET depolymerization unit.

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Equipment provider receives FDA food-contact letter

Published: October 9, 2019


The recycled resin produced by Erema’s system could be used at up to 100% recycled content in food and beverage packaging. | shanid chirammal/Shutterstock

Erema got the nod from the U.S. government to use its technology for recycling post-consumer HDPE into food and drink packaging.

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Verdex unveils recycled plastic nanofiber technology

Published: October 9, 2019


Verdex’s technology can be used to process a variety of polymers. | Courtesy of Verdex Technologies

A company has developed a technology for spinning contaminated post-consumer plastic into extremely thin fibers used to make filters, wipes and other products.

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Asian markets for e-plastics evolve amid uncertainty

Published: October 29, 2019

Container ship at port.

U.S. electronics recycling companies and brokers say they’re currently able to move e-plastics. | Alexey Lesik/Shutterstock

Asia remains the destination for many plastics recovered from electronics. But as buyers relocate from China to other countries, prices are down and quality and volume are increasingly critical factors.

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The Recycling Partnership quantifies RPET demand gap

Published: October 23, 2019

Sorting recyclable materials at a facility.

The Recycling Partnership has identified three key initiatives to improve the current recycling system.

PET collection is lagging behind recycled resin demand by more than 1 billion pounds per year, according to a study, and investment of $500 million is needed to improve the situation.

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Revolution buys bag manufacturer Pak-Sher

Published: October 23, 2019


Acquired firm Pak-Sher, which produces the SeaWave bag made with plastic at risk of entering the sea, will be incorporated into Revolution’s Command Packaging brand. | Courtesy of Revolution Plastics.

Plastics recycling company Revolution has acquired a producer of bags, foodservice film and other products. Revolution anticipates incorporating more recycled resin into the manufacturer’s offerings.

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