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Project quantifies potential of secondary sortation

Published: December 11, 2019


A close-up view shows the wide variety of materials in the mixed-plastic bales. | Jared Paben/Resource Recycling, Inc.

A demonstration project found that by routing mixed bales and MRF residue to a central sorting location, more than 17,000 tons of additional plastics could be captured in the Pacific Northwest each year.

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Nestlé wants to build markets by creating demand

Published: January 22, 2020


Nestlé pledged to buy up to 2 million metric tons of food-grade recycled plastics over the next five years. | Formatoriginal/Shutterstock

Nestlé says it will buy a huge quantity of food-grade recycled resin over the next five years. A company leader explained why the brand owner is committing to use recycled plastic despite its higher cost.

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Northeast state takes next step toward EPR for packaging

Published: January 22, 2020

The Maine capitol building in Augusta.

No U.S. state currently has an EPR law in place for packaging. | Yurii Prohonnyi/Shutterstock

Maine legislators are gearing up to introduce a bill that would mandate producers to fund the recycling of packaging they put on the market. The plan calls for different requirements based on whether a packaging type is “readily recyclable.”

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China turns its focus to domestic plastic waste

Published: January 22, 2020


China will ban the sale of plastic bags in certain areas, stepping up to a complete ban nationwide by 2025. | olesea vetrila/Shutterstock

After shaking up the U.S. recycling sector with an import ban on post-consumer plastics, the Chinese government is taking aim at its own plastic waste generation.

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Financial filing shows PET reclaimer’s income losses

Published: January 15, 2020


Phoenix Technologies was one of a handful of U.S. reclaimers to be acquired by virgin plastics companies in 2019. | Leonid Sorokin/Shutterstock

Since virgin plastics company Far Eastern New Century acquired Phoenix Technologies last June, the U.S. PET reclaimer has lost substantial amounts of money.

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