Two PET recycling articles and a high-stakes battle over carpet stewardship drew readers’ clicks in April.
Two PET recycling articles and a high-stakes battle over carpet stewardship drew readers’ clicks in April.
The gap between prime polypropylene and recycled material narrowed in April as prime prices fell and recycled held their own.
When recycling processor Invema switched from a high-speed friction washer to an updated system relying on boilers and chemicals, something unexpected happened: Energy usage decreased by 20 percent.
New meat and poultry packaging sold in the U.K. includes more than 95 percent recycled PET and is designed to improve recyclability.
New PET packaging presents challenges for reclaimers, and partners find a way to divert hospitals’ PP wrap from landfill.
The recycling of non-container plastics is receiving more and more attention in Europe. A key reason for this interest is the rising tonnages of pots, tubs and trays being collected.
A startup is using microwave technology in an innovative conversion process that allows for small units that can be sold to large plastics generators and other stakeholders.
A global recycling trade group says China has rekindled its scrutiny of imported plastics.
A European consumer-protection official recently called Coca-Cola’s PlantBottle claims greenwashing. The soda giant’s response? Sustainability is complicated.
In the not-too-distant future, artificial intelligence may see and control all that’s happening in a recycling facility. But first, it’s going to do some work on a quality control line.