GreenMantra Technologies says its waxes, made from post-consumer plastics, can be used as additives to boost profitability for other reclaimers. Continue Reading
GreenMantra Technologies says its waxes, made from post-consumer plastics, can be used as additives to boost profitability for other reclaimers. Continue Reading
A lab operated by tech giant IBM has developed a one-step method for recycling polycarbonates into high-performance engineering plastics. Continue Reading
A research and development facility that recently opened in Europe aims to transform reclaimed plastics into higher-value applications.
The struggling maker of a PHA-based additive to boost the properties of recycled PVC has sold its plastics business. Massachusetts-based Metabolix will now focus on its crop yield technology. Continue Reading
A Canadian metropolitan region home to 2.5 million people is considering imposing a disposal ban on expanded polystyrene.
Pharmacies generate an abundant supply of clean, white HDPE that more often than not goes straight into the waste stream. The Association of Plastic Recyclers is looking to change that.
Three years ago, HDPE reclaimer Envision Plastics was acquired by a major packaging producer. Now, that packaging company also has a new owner.
McDonald’s shareholders weigh in on a proposal to eliminate the company’s use of EPS packaging outside the U.S., and a couple of op-eds note that recycling is only one part of plastics sustainability.