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Tag Archives: research

Feds fund R&D for rare earths and other e-scrap metals

Published: March 17, 2022


The U.S. government is investing millions of dollars to develop technologies to recover rare earths, such as neodymium. | RHJPhtotoandilustration/Shutterstock

The U.S. military has kickstarted a $5 million project to research and develop technologies for recovering critical metals from e-scrap.

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PPP pumped $606M into repair and maintenance industry

Published: March 17, 2022

Calcuating at a desk.

An analysis shows electronics repair and recycling firms received over $600 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans. | Kmpzzz/Shutterstock

Electronics repair and maintenance businesses received about $606 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans, a sum that includes over $166 million received after Congress allowed certain companies to take a second bite at the PPP apple.

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Study explores exposure to synthetic antioxidants

Published: February 17, 2022


Researchers are calling for more research into the toxicity and risks of new types of antioxidants that e-scrap workers can become exposed to. | Jared Paben/Resource Recycling, Inc.

E-scrap facility workers are being exposed to new types of synthetic antioxidants used in plastics and rubbers, with unknown health consequences, according to recent research.

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Report: COVID-19 affected ITAD companies less in 2021

Published: February 3, 2022

Data center server replacement - Mikhail Starodubov-Shutterstock

The value of used servers skyrocketed 71% over the last three years, according to Cascade Asset Management’s report. | Mikhail Starodubov/Shutterstock

The value of refurbished laptops and servers in 2021 remained higher than pre-pandemic, according to a report from Cascade Asset Management, though laptop prices fell slightly from 2020 highs.

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A look at e-scrap collection struggles in Latin America

Published: January 27, 2022

View of globe with focus on South America.

E-scrap recycling rates are very low in 13 Latin American countries assessed by the United Nations, highlighting a need for expanding or enforcing regulations.  | Divina Epiphania/Shutterstock

Despite most countries having at least some e-scrap-related legislation, recycling rates in 13 Latin American countries are very low, at just under 3%, a U.N. report found.

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Data shows e-scrap disposal increase in one state

Published: December 23, 2021

Electronics collected for recycling in a bin.

Cascadia Consulting Group estimated Washington residents and businesses threw away 41,441 tons of electronics in the 2020-21 audit period. |

As COVID-19 took hold and e-scrap collection opportunities were canceled, the public began trashing a lot more of their electronics in Washington state, according to recently reported figures.

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Analysts: EV battery recycling sector nascent for next decade

Published: December 16, 2021

EV Battery Pack - Sergii Chernov-Shutterstock

Analysts suggest there is not a critical mass of end-of-life EV batteries available to support fast scaling of the industry. | Sergii Chernov/Shutterstock

Lithium-ion battery recycling facilities are being announced with greater frequency, many aiming to capture the emerging supply of end-of-life electric vehicle batteries. But a research firm says several factors will prevent this industry from ramping up until after 2030.
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Federal institute funds e-scrap-related research

Published: December 9, 2021

Solar panels on a residential roof with blue sky above.

A number of industry stakeholders are involved in a project researching solar panel recycling. | Michael Vi/Shutterstock

ERI, Sunnking, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and other familiar industry names are involved with research projects that received funding this month.

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Former Soviet countries safely recycle just 3.2% of e-scrap

Published: December 2, 2021

Map highlighting the Commonwealth of Independent States

Researchers found electronic waste generation in the 12 former Soviet Union countries rose 50% between 2010 and 2019, with only a small percentage collected and safely managed. | Infinetsoft/Shutterstock

For the first time, United Nations researchers have studied e-scrap recycling in the former Soviet Union countries, and they found badly lagging recycling rates.

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Project tests giving ‘eco-credits’ to incentivize recycling

Published: November 11, 2021

CIRC4Life project with reverse vending machine for electronics recycling.

During the 12-month pilot study, over 200 people deposited 590 devices weighing over 1,000 pounds total. | Courtesy of Nottingham Trent University

An $8.4 million, multi-year project in Europe found that providing incentives directly to consumers can impact the recycling rates of mobile devices.

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