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Tag Archives: processors

A look at where California’s CRT glass is going

Published: March 12, 2020


Data shows that the total pounds processed through California’s electronics recycling program have been falling since 2012. | Boonchuay1970/Shutterstock

This article has been corrected.

Over the past three years, fewer of California’s CRTs are going directly to hazardous waste landfills and more are flowing through intermediate glass processors, state data shows. But that may not mean more glass is ultimately being recycled.

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Companies renew call for e-scrap export ban

Published: March 5, 2020


An industry group cites experts in noting that e-waste export policy is key to stopping counterfeit electronic parts and protecting military readiness. | ThamKC/Shutterstock

A group supporting legislation to limit overseas shipments of untested used devices praised recent U.S. government action to combat the trade of counterfeit electronics. But it also noted more can be done on the export front.

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Slimmed down Sims notches higher profits

Published: February 27, 2020


Sims Lifecycle Services says it’s on track to hit its goal of recycling 20,000 metric tons of cloud computing equipment between July 2019 and June 2020. | Mikhail Starodubov/Shutterstock

Growth in data center recycling, higher gold prices and more selective buying all boosted earnings for Sims Lifecycle Services during the second half of 2019.

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ITAD firm expands footprint into Northeast

Published: February 6, 2020


The new Taunton, Mass. facility has 44,000 square feet of total processing space, with room for expansion. | Gerardo.G/Shutterstock

SMR Worldwide has opened an electronics processing facility near Boston, the latest expansion for the fast-growing ITAD services provider.

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Cascade: Mobile resale prices surge, computer values drop

Published: January 30, 2020


Cascade’s annual report includes data the company collected on the 560,000 assets it processed in 2018 and 2019. | fizkes/Shutterstock

Resale values for used computers declined in 2019 after multiple years of increases, according to an ITAD firm. One possible culprit is generators opting for device destruction over data wiping.

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Processor: Battery-sparked fires burn ‘fast and furious’

Published: January 23, 2020


Lithium-ion batteries have caused numerous fires around the country, both in e-scrap facilities and in materials recovery facilities. | Mehaniq/Shutterstock

An e-scrap firm recently described the fire hazard lithium-ion batteries present and emphasized the importance of identifying and properly handling them.

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Clover says it will emerge from bankruptcy soon

Published: January 23, 2020

Bankruptcy paperwork with calculator.

4L Holdings, the parent company for Clover Wireless, voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December. | TheaDesign/Shutterstock

A major North American phone repair and remarketing company has received court approval to restructure its debt, allowing it to come out of bankruptcy in the coming days.

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