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Tag Archives: processors

For more processors, ‘mailing it in’ means opportunity

Published: July 9, 2020

Taping a box for shipping.

Mail-in electronics recycling has become more common in the era of COVID-19 as in-person collection events are cancelled. | mdbildes/Shutterstock

The coronavirus pandemic has strained e-scrap collection, but that’s opening the door to an alternative recovery system that minimizes contact between people.

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Processors outline steps to survival amid COVID-19

Published: July 2, 2020

Closeup of an e-scrap motherboard.

Two e-scrap firms commented on business conditions during a recent webinar hosted by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. | DimiSotirov/Shutterstock

During a recent virtual meeting of e-scrap stakeholders, speakers offered a micro and macro look at how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the world of electronics recovery.

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Processor installs e-plastics sorting line

Published: June 25, 2020

Recycling equipment in the eCycle Solutions facility.

A view of the recently installed e-plastics sorting and washing line at eCycle Solutions. | Courtesy of eCycle Solutions

A major North American e-scrap company has invested approximately $1.5 million into a plastics cleanup line, partly to get ahead of tighter international rules on plastics exports.

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Know Your E-Scrap Processor: Spectrum Ecycle Solutions

Published: June 22, 2020

Spectrum Ecycle facility exterior

Spectrum Ecycle has 13 employees working out of a 13,000-square-foot facility in St. Louis.

With a drumbeat of mainstream media headlines emphasizing the importance of recycling electronics to recover valuable metals, consumers and businesses may question the need to pay fees to recycle their used devices.

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Canadian province to add device categories to program

Published: June 4, 2020

Electronics for recycling.

A leader with ARMA said the expansion is expected to basically double the amount of covered material handled each day, bringing in an additional 12,300 metric tons per year. | gabriel12/Shutterstock

As Alberta’s electronics recycling program looks to grow, e-scrap processors are planning to buy equipment and hire staff to handle an expected doubling of incoming tons.

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