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Tag Archives: processors

Lithium-ion battery recycler to build New York facility

Published: September 17, 2020

Li-ion batteries collected for recycling

Li-Cycle Incorporated recently announced plans for a Rochester, N.Y. facility capable of processing at least 10 million pounds of lithium-ion batteries per year. | Vietnam stock photos/Shutterstock

Canadian firm Li-Cycle Incorporated, which handles lithium-ion batteries from e-scrap and other sources, is developing a $175 million processing hub in the U.S.

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Sims adds site specifically for data center material

Published: September 3, 2020

Inside a data center server room.

The equipment retired from data centers largely consists of hard drives, memory, networking equipment and more. | Timofeev Vladmir/Shutterstock

Global e-scrap and ITAD processor Sims Lifecycle Services is rolling out a system focused on retiring data center equipment. The company framed the move as a way to increase reuse of components.

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Company refines EV battery recycling method using e-scrap

Published: September 3, 2020

Electric vehicle charging.

Redwood Materials recently raised $40 million to fund its efforts to develop a battery recycling process to supply the electric vehicle market. | Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

A Nevada startup looking to build a major electric vehicle battery recycling operation is starting off by processing batteries from consumer electronics.

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Furnace supplier scores win in BlueOak case

Published: September 3, 2020

Court gavel

An arbitrator found that BlueOak breached and then wrongfully terminated its contract with Tetronics. | Brian A Jackson/Shutterstock

An international dispute arbitrator awarded over $8 million to a U.K. equipment company that provided a furnace to process printed circuit boards in Arkansas.

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How COVID-19 has affected ITAD and data destruction firms

Published: August 27, 2020

Clockwise from upper left: Joseph Harford of Reclamere moderated a July 23 webinar that featured Neil Peters-Michaud of Cascade Asset Management, Jade Lee of Supply-Chain Services and Brent Berry of Ingram Micro.

Clockwise from upper left: Joseph Harford of Reclamere moderated a July 23 webinar that featured Neil Peters-Michaud of Cascade Asset Management, Jade Lee of Supply-Chain Services and Brent Berry of Ingram Micro.

The pandemic has forced the ITAD industry to adapt to survive. Experts from three processors recently described that sudden evolution and what it means for the future of data destruction services.

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Cloud services and metal prices lift Sims margins

Published: August 20, 2020

A data center scene.

Sims Lifecycle Services saw a 13.9% increase in cloud volumes recycled during the 2020 fiscal year. | Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Sims Lifecycle Services secured four additional cloud customers during the last fiscal year, helping to boost its data center decommissioning volume to 24,600 metric tons.

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Specialty waste company acquires e-scrap operations

Published: August 13, 2020

Scrap RAM modules for recycling.

Harsco pushed further into the electronics recycling space over the past year with the acquisitions of Clean Earth and Stericycle. | vladdon/Shutterstock

Harsco Corporation over the past year made two acquisitions that brought the company into the electronics recycling space, according to its annual sustainability report.

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Connecticut boosts prices it pays to e-scrap firms

Published: August 13, 2020

Computer towers collected and stacked for recycling.

Under Connecticut’s extended producer responsibility program, municipalities perform the bulk of e-scrap collections. | Suzanne-B/Shutterstock

Processing companies said multiple factors led them to raise recycling prices in Connecticut this year. Some cost pressures are unique to the state but others are being felt industry wide.

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Global ITAD company joins e-scrap ‘offset’ program

Published: July 30, 2020

Pile of used smartphones.

Ingram Micro’s ITAD division has cut a check to fund the collection and recycling of an estimated 12,000 phones from African countries. | Anton Starikov/Shutterstock

Ingram Micro has partnered with Dutch company Closing the Loop to recycle scrap phones from Africa, the first step in what’s expected to become a deeper collaboration.

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