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Tag Archives: mobile devices

Takeaways from a battery collection initiative in Nigeria

Published: October 29, 2020

Collect cellphone batteries for recycling.

Closing The Loop’s project accumulated about 11,000 pounds of batteries, primarily from mobile phones. | Orapruek/Shutterstock

Leaders of an effort to recycle mobile phone batteries collected from West Africa recently outlined challenges and successes during their 18-month pilot project.

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The details on Apple’s lawsuit against GEEP Canada

Published: October 8, 2020

Exterior of an Apple store.

Apple alleges its damages total $30 million Canadian, deriving from lost profits from gray-markets sales and injury to Apple’s brand image and trademarks. | IRENE COLL INGLES/Shutterstock

Apple claims GEEP Canada employees hid Apple devices out of view of an e-scrap facility’s cameras, mislabeled devices as “copper bearings” for outbound shipping, and then received kickbacks for illegally reselling them.

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Global ITAD company joins e-scrap ‘offset’ program

Published: July 30, 2020

Pile of used smartphones.

Ingram Micro’s ITAD division has cut a check to fund the collection and recycling of an estimated 12,000 phones from African countries. | Anton Starikov/Shutterstock

Ingram Micro has partnered with Dutch company Closing the Loop to recycle scrap phones from Africa, the first step in what’s expected to become a deeper collaboration.

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ITAM group: Plan now to properly dispose of excess devices

Published: May 7, 2020


An industry group recommends that IT asset managers prepare now to properly manage the glut of devices coming back into workplaces when they reopen. | WSW1985/Shutterstock

IT asset managers should be ready for managing electronics that will no longer be needed when the coronavirus pandemic subsides and employees return to offices, according to an industry group.

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Clover says it will emerge from bankruptcy soon

Published: January 23, 2020

Bankruptcy paperwork with calculator.

4L Holdings, the parent company for Clover Wireless, voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December. | TheaDesign/Shutterstock

A major North American phone repair and remarketing company has received court approval to restructure its debt, allowing it to come out of bankruptcy in the coming days.

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