An industry group recommends that IT asset managers prepare now to properly manage the glut of devices coming back into workplaces when they reopen. | WSW1985/Shutterstock
IT asset managers should be ready for managing electronics that will no longer be needed when the coronavirus pandemic subsides and employees return to offices, according to an industry group.
The International Association of Information Technology Asset Managers (IAITAM) is recommending its members prepare to properly manage the glut of devices coming back into workplaces when they reopen. The goal will be to prevent leaks of sensitive data and recoup investments in the equipment, according to the IAITAM write-up.
“Redundancy in assets was necessary when working from home but after coming back into the office, that end user will no longer need a laptop for home and a computer at work,” according to the group. “What will be done with these excess assets and how the organization will recoup costs is critical to the back-to-the-office transition being less financially burdensome.”
Organizations should identify all new assets, develop an ingress plan for IT assets, and have a plan to properly deal with excess hardware. Leasing devices would have been a strong option, IAITAM stated, but the reality is some organizations have already outright purchased electronics for their employees to use at home.
“As such, charity donations and resale are all better options financially than simply dumping the excess hardware,” according to the group. “Company and agency IT asset managers will need to ensure that all devices that are leaving the organization for good are disposed in a secure fashion to avoid breaches.”
During the coronavirus lockdowns, many ITAD companies have struggled to get their hands on equipment. But some processors and analysts are anticipating a surge of demand will follow the dry period.