Global e-scrap flows have helped China dominate lithium-ion battery recycling but have hampered similar efforts in North America, according to a recently published report.
Global e-scrap flows have helped China dominate lithium-ion battery recycling but have hampered similar efforts in North America, according to a recently published report.
The national recycling rate for consumer electronics has fallen 2 percentage points, according to U.S. EPA estimates.
Important assets from shuttered e-scrap company ECS Refining were snapped up by Dynamic Recycling, which emerged victorious in a courtroom bidding war last week.
A Norwegian proposal that aims to combat marine debris could close the door to e-plastics export markets for U.S. processors.
Last week, viewers around the globe got an unexpected peek at how Apple instructs company technicians to dismantle mobile devices. The 11 recordings have since been pulled from public view.
Patriot Shredding of Rockville, Md. has achieved NAID certification for physical destruction of hard drives. Green Team Safe-Shred of Pooraka, South Australia has renewed the NAID certification.
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This story has been updated.
Bathroom doors, a water cooler handle, a refrigerator – their surfaces carried lead, cadmium and other hazardous metals, according to studies at two e-scrap facilities.
Startup EnviroLeach has raised its precious metals yield capabilities and has moved forward on developing new e-scrap processing plants.
Maria Delgado-Loubriel, who runs Legie E-Scrap Recycling in Jacksonville, Fla., faces felony charges for improper management of hazardous e-scrap.