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URT takes its frit powder project across the US

Published: July 29, 2021

CRT glass processing equipment at URT.

URT has installed equipment nationwide to processes glass from CRTs into powders used to make frit, which is an ingredient used in compounding enamels and ceramic glazes. | Courtesy of URT.

After a roughly $1.2 million investment, Universal Recycling Technologies is currently processing 100% of the leaded CRT glass it handles into a feedstock for ceramic tiles.

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Lithium-ion battery recycler nets major investment capital

Published: July 29, 2021

A person signing business documents.

Redwood Materials is one of a handful of firms scaling up lithium-ion recycling processes. | OtmarW / Shutterstock

Redwood Materials, a growing Nevada-based battery recycling firm that recently partnered with an e-scrap processor, received more than $700 million in funding from various financing organizations.

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Federal regulators say they will ‘restore the right to repair’

Published: July 29, 2021

A smartphone being repaired with tools.

A policy statement includes several specific actions FTC will take and other steps it is asking the public to take. | Alexey Kabanov / Shutterstock

The Federal Trade Commission last week pledged to heighten enforcement actions on manufacturers that block independent repair of their products.

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Processor reports on downstream data project

Published: July 29, 2021

E-scrap for recycling.

Apto recycled more than 2.9 million pounds of e-scrap and sent more than 316,000 pieces of equipment for reuse in 2020. | Koy_Hipster / Shutterstock

Apto Solutions is experimenting with a new way of tracking where its recycled IT assets ultimately end up. The company released a report on its program this month.

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