Our deep-dive into dramatic market pricing shifts in recent months was of interest to readers last month.| ND700/Shutterstock
Global trade (and trade rules), a ranking of ITAD firms and more drew E-Scrap News readers’ clicks.
The list below shows our top stories published in June in terms of unique page views.
1 | Treaty tightens regulations on global e-scrap trade
Basel Convention changes approved in June may drastically reduce – or at least complicate – U.S. exports of non-hazardous e-scrap.
2 | Global complications rattle markets for used devices
Processors and resellers have seen pricing for their offerings fall significantly in recent months as supply chain issues and other factors slow demand from international buyers.
3 | Ranking of ITAD vendor reputations released
All Green Electronics Recycling, Cascade Asset Management and ERI scored the top three spots on a recent ITAD vendor reputation rating by Compliance Standards.
4 | Aurubis smelter plans opposed by environmentalists
A large copper smelter slated to be built in Georgia has run into resistance from a local group, even as a judge signed off on millions in bond authority for the construction.
5 | What eBay’s certification partnership means for resellers
One of the world’s biggest e-commerce channels, eBay, has launched a program allowing refurbishers to sell Phonecheck-certified devices through the platform. One expert explained what the development means for remarketers.