Samsung’s environmental strategy includes a focus on circularity, using recycled materials and collecting more e-scrap.
Samsung’s environmental strategy includes a focus on circularity, using recycled materials and collecting more e-scrap.
Lenovo is using more recycled materials in its products and working toward a circular economy, even as a recent study from the company found that only half of senior IT business leaders are aware of the economic value of e-scrap.
Ferrous and non-ferrous metals can be quickly placed in 20-ft. and 40-ft. shipping containers using the Best Process Solutions Container Loading System.
Hawaii had to suspend free e-scrap collection in the state earlier this year after the program ran out of funds early, but the state legislature has passed a law to address the problem.
The European Commission is requesting feedback on draft regulations for designing mobile phones and tablets to be more environmentally friendly, including the issue of recyclability.
In response to Apple’s decision not to include chargers with newly purchased phones by default, Brazil again fined the company and then banned the sale of iPhones if they do not include a power adapter.
Nokia is adding more recycled material to some of its devices and urging customers to use its Circular subscription service to hold on to phones longer.
TES has plans to open a Las Vegas operation at the start of 2023, with the aim of being closer to its West Coast clients.
Jewelry made from recycled gold and silver is becoming more popular, especially among younger consumers.
A report from Interpol aimed to fill in gaps in knowledge on the link between pollution crime and organized crime, digging into 27 pollution crime case studies that averaged profits of $19.6 million per case for those involved, including electronics falsely labeled as ready for resale.