Three million pounds of CRT materials sit stockpiled in an Arizona warehouse formerly used by Dow Management, and the current property owner wants upstream generators of the material to pay for its cleanup.
Three million pounds of CRT materials sit stockpiled in an Arizona warehouse formerly used by Dow Management, and the current property owner wants upstream generators of the material to pay for its cleanup.
The average resale price for desktop computers and laptops has grown over the past two and a half years, according to a report by a prominent ITAD company.
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State and federal regulators are putting pressure on an Iowa CRT processor they say has illegally stockpiled glass and allowed lead to contaminate the ground.
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A former Utah-based CRT processor has been indicted on several counts related to its abandonment of more than 3.5 million pounds of crushed leaded glass three years ago.
An initiative funded by the federal government could help solve a key materials recovery issue in e-scrap.
A proposal to cut the U.S. EPA’s budget by $528 million has cleared a U.S. House of Representatives committee, paving the way for a floor vote on the program-specific funding allocation.
A product offering from iFixit can help tackle one of the largest roadblocks to increased device repairability and refurbishment: glued-in batteries.
A new report identifies data security concerns as a major barrier to more recycling and claims there is growing interest in electronics take-back programs in the United Kingdom.
Researchers are gathering information about the global generation and flow of e-scrap, and they plan to publish their findings in November.
House lawmakers tasked with crafting a U.S. EPA budget are standing behind the agency’s waste minimization and recycling program, which would be defunded under the Trump administration’s fiscal plan.
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