Developments in how local programs are responding to tough markets drew readers’ interest last month, along with research on the environmental impacts of packaging and the announcement of a brand owner-funded grant program.
Developments in how local programs are responding to tough markets drew readers’ interest last month, along with research on the environmental impacts of packaging and the announcement of a brand owner-funded grant program.
Stories about recovered paper markets and exports dominated readers’ interest last month.
Fiber market stories stole much of our readers’ attention last month, along with articles on stakeholders running for public office and plastic sampling guidelines.
Readers last month were drawn to stories about recycling facility openings and closures, as well as several fiber-related articles.
Readers were drawn last month to news about China moving to expand its imports ban as well as to a story about conservative commentators attacking recycling.
An article about a glass processing plant joined updates on post-China markets to round out the most-read list last month.
Feeble fiber markets and China’s next steps on recyclables drew our readers’ clicks last month.
Li Ganjie, China’s minister of environmental protection
More than a year after China’s announced National Sword, the country’s import restrictions and their impacts continue to draw readers’ interest.
Last month, readers were overwhelmingly drawn to coverage of China and its impacts, but they were also curious to learn more about TerraCycle.