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Tag Archives: legislation

How firms are faring as they look for paycheck loans

Published: April 28, 2020


The $349 billion in initial funding for the Paycheck Protection Program ran out within two weeks. | NIKCOA/Shutterstock

Recycling companies across the country are applying to a federal assistance program to help them overcome cash-flow problems sparked by the coronavirus. Some have been successful, but others are running into banking complexities and tapped-out funding.

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A look at recent food waste announcements

Published: March 17, 2020


CalRecycle is set to award nearly $16 million to six composting and anaerobic digestion projects. | Jan Vaclav Herodes/Shutterstock

Garden State lawmakers passed a food-waste reduction bill, an industry group released tips on starting waste reduction programs, and California is set to award millions for composting and anaerobic digestion projects. Continue Reading

First Person Perspective: Welcome to the year of recycling policy

Published: February 14, 2020


In November 2019, two complementary bills were introduced to Congress aiming to bring additional funding to materials recovery initiatives. | Nicole S Glass/Shutterstock

With the new year now underway, government leaders are refocusing on issues that may have been put on the back-burner toward the end of 2019.

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Details on a sweeping US recycling bill

Published: February 11, 2020

US Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

The legislation includes a national bottle bill, which experts say would significantly boost the container recycling rate. | Orhan Cam/Shutterstock

Two Congressmen today introduced a comprehensive waste management and recycling support bill. This week, they shared details about the legislation and expressed optimism that it will garner bipartisan support.

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Statehouses hit by bevy of bag bills

Published: February 14, 2017


plastic bag regulationsWhen it comes to plastic bag legislation, 2017 may be the storm after the storm. After the high-profile battle over California’s statewide plastic bag ban, legislators in at least 16 states have introduced bills related to bags this year.

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California lawmakers advance pair of plastics-recycling bills

Published: September 13, 2016


The CalifoPlastic Bottles / Genebacom, Shutterstockrnia legislature passed a bill requiring beverage companies to publicly report the amount of post-consumer PET they use. And a separate piece of legislation sent to the governor extends a plastics-recycling subsidy programs for one year.

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