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Tag Archives: legislation

California moves needle on commercial collection

Published: September 10, 2019


Assembly Bill 827 requires many commercial establishments to offer recycling service to their customers. | Brandon Bourdages/Shutterstock

Businesses that are required to receive recycling and composting service in California will need to offer those collection services to customers, under a bill approved by the state legislature.

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Recycling sector grapples with plastic realities

Published: September 4, 2019


Juri Freeman of Resource Recycling Systems (left) moderated a plastics-focused panel consisting of (from left to right) Michael Sangiacomo of Recology, Zeina El-Azzi of Brightmark Energy, Kate Bailey of Eco-Cycle and Tim Ponrathnam of Berry Global. | Resource Recycling Conference/Brian Adams Photography

Should some types of single-use plastic be banned? Or is infrastructure improvement a better answer to current plastic waste concerns? A varied group of industry leaders tackled those questions last week.

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Federal politicians highlight recycling and plastic waste

Published: July 30, 2019


Legislation introduced last week establishes a framework to enable recycling-related investments. | LWPhotography/Shutterstock

Recycling issues have hit the national stage with unprecedented fervor in recent weeks. Citing recycling market challenges and growing plastic pollution, lawmakers are advancing legislation and pressuring government agencies to take action.

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Lawmakers revive national Zero Waste Act

Published: July 25, 2019


A bill from Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar provides federal funding to help local municipalities invest in materials recovery initiatives. | Supachai Pakdeesrisakda/Shutterstock

A waste reduction and recycling support bill has been introduced in Congress, with lawmakers describing the legislation as a significant component of the Green New Deal.

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