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Tag Archives: industry groups

Q&A: Seizing the moment on recycling policy

Published: April 18, 2022


EPR bills, proposed in a number of states, aim to improve curbside collection and more. | Jared Paben

Last year, Maine and Oregon each passed major pieces of recycling legislation that incorporated elements of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging, a strategy in which producers are mandated to fund packaging recovery in those states. Continue Reading

Houston, MRF operator sign chemical recycling MOU

Published: February 15, 2022

Aerial view of Houston neighborhood with downtown skyline in distance.

The details of what’s being called the “Houston Recycling Collaboration” have yet to be worked out, but an agreement has set the process in motion to divert residential plastic scrap for chemical recycling. | Roschetzky Photography/Shutterstock

The city of Houston and its MRF operator, FCC Environmental Services, are among the signatories to an agreement to advance chemical recycling for household plastic scrap in the city.

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MRFs report bale prices cooled in late 2021

Published: March 15, 2022

aluminum bales

A survey of 12 MRFs from seven northeastern states reveals details on the value of recyclables and the cost of collecting and selling those recovered commodities. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

The steady, steep year-long runup in recyclables prices came to an end during the fourth quarter of 2021, according to results of a survey of MRFs.

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