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Data Corner: The recycling revenue slide for nation’s largest processor

Published: December 2, 2019


The impact of the seismic shift in recycling markets over the past two-and-a-half years can be clearly seen in the quarterly recycling revenue numbers of Waste Management, which operates roughly 100 materials recovery facilities in North America.

The publicly traded company has seen its quarterly recycling-related revenue decline 35% (from $375 million to $245 million) since the third quarter of 2017. In July of 2017, China announced its intention to ban many categories of recyclables, and the policy was implemented at the start of 2018.

Values for many key curbside materials have dropped significantly since then.

Information for this month’s Data Corner came from Waste Management’s publicly available earnings reports.

This article originally appeared in the November 2019 issue of Resource Recycling. Subscribe today for access to all print content.

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Data Corner: Export vs. domestic processing for post-consumer plastic

Published: November 19, 2019


The graph below shows the downstream trends for four major plastic resins collected for recycling in the U.S. and Canada going back to 2009 (the graph stops at 2017 because that is the most recent year for which figures are available).

From 2009 to 2016, the total amount of post-consumer plastic exported to overseas markets from the U.S. and Canada stayed relatively stable, but that number dropped considerably in 2017. That fact is hardly surprising: China stated in 2017 that it was planning to implement its import ban on many grades of recovered material at the outset of 2018, and the announcement itself caused major market shifts.

On the domestic processing front, the total amount climbed steadily before plateauing between 2016 and 2017. With more material needing a home as many Asian markets enact restrictions, opportunity exists for continued domestic processing growth. The keys will be infrastructure improvements to deliver cleaner loads to plastic reclaimers and greater end market demand for the recycled resins.

This month’s Data Corner was produced by More Recycling.

This article appeared in the October 2019 issue of Resource Recycling. Subscribe today for access to all print content.

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First Person Perspective: Markets have shifted, but paper recycling is strong (just look at the numbers)

Published: July 15, 2019


The U.S. paper recovery rate has been at or above 63% each year for the past decade.

Every year, the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) releases the U.S. paper recovery for recycling rate. The annual figure informs us how much recovered paper is being used to create new products in a given year and is also an important indicator of how much paper and paper-based packaging is kept out of landfills after use.

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Data Sort: Worldwide expansion of packaging EPR

Published: February 11, 2019


The maps below demonstrate how extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs for packaging have spread around the globe over the last decade, with programs requiring packaging makers to fund recovery systems taking root in a variety of countries.

The maps were provided by Environmental Packaging International (EPI), a consultancy specializing in environmental compliance, product stewardship and sustainability related to packaging and products. EPI, More Recycling and IHS Markit are collaborating to produce a special report exploring the impact of regulations on plastics and analyzing how well the supply of recycled resin is positioned to satisfy demand. To learn more about the project and special report, visit

Jan 2019 Data Sort

This month’s Data Corner is produced by More Recycling. For additional info, go to

This article originally appeared in the January 2019 issue of Resource Recycling. Subscribe today for access to all print content.