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Tag Archives: container deposits

Oregon expands program for refillable glass bottles

Published: March 13, 2018


The refillable bottle produced by O-I is offered in two sizes. Photo courtesy of Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative.

A glass bottle reuse program in Oregon has taken major steps forward, with glass giant Owens-Illinois creating a standardized refillable bottle for breweries and long-term plans for a wash facility moving forward.

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In My Opinion: PepsiCo shortchanges container deposits

Published: August 29, 2017


Susan Collins

The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) commends PepsiCo for recent statements from Vice President Roberta Barbieri supporting the value of bottle bills for producing clean materials for bottle-to-bottle recycling. However, it is important to point out inaccuracies in Ms. Barbieri’s statements, particularly about the cost-effectiveness of bottle bills (container deposit laws).

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