Connecticut has become the first state in the U.S. to address the hazard of fuel cylinders in the solid waste stream with an extended producer responsibility law.
TerraCycle US continued to rake in more money from companies paying it to operate mail-in recycling programs, but it incurred steeper losses doing the actual recycling of plastic and other materials.
AMP Robotics is now breaking and sorting MRF residual bales at secondary-sortation operations in Colorado, Georgia and Ohio.
A battery collection kit sold by Call2Recycle helps communities, MRFs and others reduce the labor needed to sort and prepare batteries for downstream shipment.
The city of Tulsa, Okla. was forced to redirect its residential recycling stream to a waste-to-energy plant after an improperly discarded battery sparked a blaze at a local MRF.
Firstar Fiber is receiving a loan from the Alliance to End Plastic Waste that will help the processor convert hard-to-recycle plastics into building materials, all within the confines of the MRF.
Some of the technology world’s big names are funding an electronics collection effort in Denver, trying to boost recycling rates.
Avangard Innovative has become one of the first examples of a large mechanical plastics recycling company embracing chemical recycling technologies.