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Experts offer insight on contamination, glass and more

Published: October 30, 2018

A panel on stage at the 2018 Resource Recycling Conference.

A panel of experts discusses contamination during a plenary session at the 2018 Resource Recycling Conference.

Industry stakeholders from around the nation convened in St. Louis last week for the 2018 Resource Recycling Conference, where the hottest topics in materials recovery received attention over two days of educational sessions.

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End user of cartons expands west

Published: October 23, 2018

Worker on a roof with ReWall roof board.

ReWall uses recovered cartons to make 100 percent recycled building materials, including roof cover board for commercial buildings.

The ReWall Company, which manufactures building materials from recovered food and drink cartons, is planning to open a $3 million facility in Colorado next spring.

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Experts connect in the Gateway City

Published: October 23, 2018

Presenting at the 2018 Resource Recycling Conference

Kerrin O’Brien of the Michigan Recycling Coalition takes part in a workshop at the 2018 Resource Recycling Conference.

The ninth-annual Resource Recycling Conference has kicked off, tackling high-interest topics at a critical juncture for the North American recycling industry.

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