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City staff disciplined for landfilling recyclables

Published: August 13, 2019

Houston downtown skyline.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner released a statement noting that 23 drivers and four supervisors will face disciplinary action. | Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Staff members in the city of Houston’s solid waste department are facing punishment after an internal audit found 1,300 tons of recyclables were landfilled.

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State deposit program reports redemption increase

Published: August 13, 2019


In 2017, the Oregon program doubled its deposit value from 5 cents per container to 10 cents. | Courtesy of OBRC.

Oregon’s container deposit system achieved an 81% redemption rate last year, significantly higher than the previous full-year figure. The increase comes after the deposit value doubled.

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Trucking market heads in reverse

Published: August 13, 2019

Freight trucks parked in a row.

Ongoing economic uncertainty has contributed to the freight market shift. | Vitpho/Shutterstock

Multiple factors have led to lower demand for trucking, bringing shipping cost relief to many in the recycling industry.

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