A new materials recovery facility in San Diego is sorting single-stream material from commercial and multi-family sources. Fibers and films make up a substantial portion of those streams, necessitating a specially built sorting system.
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A new materials recovery facility in San Diego is sorting single-stream material from commercial and multi-family sources. Fibers and films make up a substantial portion of those streams, necessitating a specially built sorting system.
Germany continues to post the highest recycling rate in Europe, and a few other countries experienced surges in their rates.
One of the two city-owned materials recovery facilities. Credit: Phoenix Public Works.
A recycling incentive and outreach program is now available to all Phoenix households, an effort that is aiming to boost participation and lower contamination. Continue Reading
A London initiative will target the collection of single-use coffee cups for recycling, and carpet diversion continues its rise throughout the United Kingdom. Continue Reading
Nebraska awards nearly $2.5 million for recycling, outreach and litter cleanup projects, and applications are now being accepted for public bins for parks. Continue Reading
Carton recycling is now available for 60 percent of U.S. households, meaning the packaging can begin carrying the “chasing arrows” symbol and “please recycle” text.
Switching to compostable food-service packaging can dramatically increase food scrap diversion rates, but only if it’s coupled with sufficient infrastructure and instruction. That was a chief takeaway from a study the Foodservice Packaging Institute released Jan. 19.
The City of Columbus, Ohio recently received an indicator of current recycling market struggles, when its yard debris and recycling hauler quoted a price nearly 50 percent higher for the city’s next municipal collection contract. Continue Reading
An industry training and awareness program focused on vehicle safety kicked off Monday, just weeks after a report showed that occupational deaths among collectors were on the rise in 2015.
This story originally appeared in the December 2016 issue of Resource Recycling.
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