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State slaps aluminum recycling company with fine

Published: January 14, 2020


The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality on Jan. 8 issued the penalty against Hydro Extrusion USA. | naughtynut/Shutterstock

Oregon regulators issued a $1.3 million penalty against an aluminum recycling firm, accusing the processor of violating its air quality permit by melting dirty feedstock.

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Verso mill deepens move into recycled packaging business

Published: January 14, 2020


Verso announced its Duluth, Minn. mill will be producing 90,000 tons of recycled products per year. | DenisNata/Shutterstock

A Minnesota recycled paper mill conversion project has expanded beyond its original planned capacity and may grow further, company officials recently announced. Production is slated to begin this month.

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Pratt to build more US recycled fiber mills

Published: January 14, 2020


The upcoming Pratt projects will join more than a dozen U.S. mills that have added or will be adding recycled paper capacity since 2017. | noomcpk/Shutterstock

A major end user of mixed paper and OCC will construct two additional North American recycled containerboard mills in the next six years, the company’s owner said in a recent media interview.

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Our top stories from December 2019

Published: January 7, 2020

Glass recycling in Fairfax County, Va.

A look into glass recycling in Fairfax County, Va. captured interest in December. | Courtesy of Fairfax County.

A mix of stories about exports, collection strategies, recycling rates, paper investments and recyclables pricing drew readers’ attention last month.

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Plastic bottle recycling rates decline in 2018

Published: January 7, 2020

PET bottles collected for recycling.

A report from plastics industry group NAPCOR indicated the U.S. PET bottle recycling rate was 28.9% in 2018, down from 29.2% in 2017. | pook jun/Shutterstock

The U.S. recycling rates for both PET bottles and all plastic bottles have fallen slightly, according to two reports released by industry groups.

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