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EU stakeholders vow to hit 90% glass collection

Published: July 7, 2020

Glass recycling collection bins in Europe.

A new effort plans to increase the glass collection rate in the EU from its current 76% to 90% by 2030. | SYDOROVA OLEKSANDRA/Shutterstock

Brands, recycling firms and others have pledged to significantly boost collection of glass in Europe over the coming decade, and product stewardship will be part of the strategy.
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Our top stories from June 2020

Published: July 7, 2020

The U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

News about federal plastics recycling legislation garnered lots of attention last month. | Corlia vWyk/Shutterstock

Our readers were drawn to a variety of articles last month, including those covering plastics legislation, paper plant shutdowns, market updates and more.

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Judge’s ruling means plastics initiative likely going to voters

Published: July 7, 2020

U.S. and California flags against a blue sky.

A proposed California ballot measure would direct CalRecycle to charge producers up to a 1-cent fee for each single-use plastic package sold into the state. | RaksyBH/Shutterstock

A California court has given proponents of a California plastic waste initiative more time to gather signatures, all but assuring it will make the ballot, according to supporters.

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Another major shipping line ends scrap service to China

Published: July 7, 2020

Hapag-Lloyd shipping vessel with cargo.

Hapag-Lloyd announced that it will not accept “solid waste” cargo that would arrive in China after Sept. 1. | Solarisys/Shutterstock

Shipping company Hapag-Lloyd announced it will stop taking recycled fiber and other scrap material loads to China this year, citing the country’s recent law that referenced an all-out “solid waste” import ban in the near future.

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Study explores southeast state’s contamination rate

Published: June 30, 2020

Recycling bins on a Florida street.

Researchers in Florida have noticed a gradual increase in contamination rates in recent years. | Blueee77/Shutterstock

MRFs in Florida have historically landfilled about one-quarter of the weight that comes in the door, according to a study commissioned by the Florida Recycling Partnership Foundation.

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Recycled pulp mill planned in Northeast US

Published: June 30, 2020

Paper bales for recycling.

Once operational, the Empire Recycled Fiber mill will produce 440,000 tons per year of recycled paper pulp. | Luis M. Seco/Shutterstock

A $125 million recycled paper pulp mill in Pennsylvania will source more than 500,000 tons per year of mixed paper and OCC. The facility will ship its product to China.

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GFL to buy assets from WM and Advanced Disposal

Published: June 30, 2020

GFL waste hauling truck.

In a recently announced deal GFL agreed to pay $835 million for operations now owned by WM and Advanced. | Philip Lange/Shutterstock

Waste Management will acquire Advanced Disposal Services for about $300 million less than originally anticipated. Meanwhile, GFL Environmental agreed to buy a number of U.S. solid waste operations as part of the acquisition deal.

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Recycling policy is back after COVID-19 hiatus

Published: June 23, 2020

The U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Recently, a Senate committee spent two hours hearing about the challenges facing U.S. recycling. | Alexandru Smut Calin/Shutterstock

Across the U.S., recycling conversations among elected officials are gaining momentum, suggesting 2020 could still be marked by laws related to materials recovery.

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