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How the recycling industry is preparing to tackle solar panels

Published: June 15, 2021

Solar panels on a residential roof.

E-scrap processors are developing strategies for an increasing number of PV modules entering the market. | Hill120 / Shutterstock

In some ways, solar panels present some of the same recycling challenges as old TVs. They carry a high cost to recycle properly, have limited commodity value and contain hazardous metals. At the same time, relatively few downstream processors recycle them, and markets are working against reuse.

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EPR legislation advances in some states, stalls in others

Published: June 15, 2021

Oregon state capitol building with state flag and blue sky.

A substantial EPR bill is moving forward in the Oregon legislature. | Grindstone Media Group / Shutterstock

Bills establishing extended producer responsibility for packaging materials were introduced in a handful of states this year. Several have failed to gain traction, but at least two key proposals remain active.

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Plastics-to-fuel company developing $680 million facility

Published: June 15, 2021

Baled plastics for recycling.

More than 100 employees will be hired to work at Brightmark’s upcoming $680 million Georgia plant. | Frank Fiedler / Shutterstock

Brightmark recently announced it will build a second facility bringing in mixed plastics for chemical recycling. To be located in Georgia, the plant will have a processing capacity of 800 million pounds per year.

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EPA budget request emphasizes recycling

Published: June 8, 2021

United States EPA sign on building exterior.

The Biden-Harris EPA budget proposal allocates $10 million for a pilot grant program to advance innovation in the recycling industry. | DanielJohn / Shutterstock

The Biden-Harris administration requested $11.2 billion for the U.S. EPA for 2022, and the agency proposes to slightly increase funding to the EPA’s Waste Minimization and Recycling Program.

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