The Sustainable Materials Management Coalition (SMMC) released a report recently on how to maximize a product’s environmental benefits throughout its life cycle. Continue Reading
The Sustainable Materials Management Coalition (SMMC) released a report recently on how to maximize a product’s environmental benefits throughout its life cycle. Continue Reading
Education has won out over punishment in Little Rock, Ark., with hauler Waste Management announcing it will no longer track the households that are placing unacceptable materials into curbside recycling carts.
After nearly three years of discussion and testing around paper recycling, the EU Reffibre initiative has wrapped up with a final conference in Germany.
The Canadian city of Edmonton has been forced to eat its paper-recycling investment – millions of dollars – after the company it partnered with went bankrupt and no other firms stepped up to take over the plant.
Eleven people were arrested over the summer in two separate fraud investigations by the California Department of Justice (CDOJ). The suspects are accused of trying to illegally redeem out-of-state beverage containers under the California Redemption Value program.
Advocacy organizations are pushing for New York City to adopt a franchise-zoning system for collection of commercial waste and recycling.
The New York City Department of Sanitation and Business Integrity Commission released a report last week recommending the City adopt a franchise-zoning system for commercial waste and recycling collection.
A recent survey revealed Massachusetts residents were committed to recycling but that they didn’t have a firm grasp on what should be put in the bin.
A new materials recovery facility in Florida is ready and willing to accept glass, but a local municipality refuses to send it over fears the MRF will change its mind.
The Los Angeles Board of Public Works recommended seven haulers who should be awarded contracts in the City’s upcoming commercial franchise hauling zones.