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Tag Archives: research

Report recaps plastic bumper cover recycling project

Published: September 6, 2019


Challenges remain to scaling up TPO bumper collection to a national scale. | Kaentian Street/Shutterstock

TPO bumper covers can be processed into a high-quality recycled pellet that’s cheaper than virgin plastic, but challenges remain in feedstock collection and preparation.

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Data Sort: What accounts for the higher cost of PCR

Published: September 9, 2019


Historically, companies have used post-consumer resin (PCR) because it was a lower cost feedstock than virgin. In recent years, however, pricing for virgin plastic (mostly “wide spec” resin) has fallen below that of PCR (mostly high quality PCR that is suitable for food contact).

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Survey: Americans continue to recycle despite doubts

Published: August 21, 2019


A Carton Council survey found 44% of respondents simply don’t believe their recyclables are being recycled. | siam.pukkato/Shutterstock

Industry-wide challenges are causing recycling-related skepticism among the public. But that’s not leading consumers to stop recycling, according to a recent survey.

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A startup, Sabic and IBM all push chemical recycling

Published: July 31, 2019

Scientist working on plastics recycling.

IBM has a goal to recover more PET from highly contaminated streams. | Credit: Wall Street Journal video.

Three different chemistry-based processes for recovering plastics have recently grabbed attention, illustrating the wide range of stakeholders working to find solutions beyond mechanical recycling.

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PCR flows to multi-layer applications

Published: August 2, 2019


Packaging company Mondi led a project that created a pouch made of 20% post-consumer plastic. | Courtesy of Mondi.

For years, packaging producers have been marketing recyclable multi-layer flexible packages. Now, they’re finding success using recycled plastic in their products.

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