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Tag Archives: legislation

Bottle bills erode MRF revenues but create municipal savings

Published: March 7, 2022

PET bottles for recycling.

Container deposit systems have benefits for municipalities, but MRFs are likely to see revenues decline as valuable PET and aluminum are removed from their material stream. | Myibean/Shutterstock

Though container deposit systems typically help lift recovery rates for covered materials, the programs also usually reduce tonnages of high-quality PET and aluminum going to sorting facilities. A new study helps to quantify those potential impacts.

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Environmental voice guides recycling labeling policy push

Published: February 23, 2022

Oregon capitol building with trees in bloom.

Oregon’s Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act was signed into law in August 2021, creating a 12-person task force to research and evaluate recyclability claims. | Yanqiang Dai/Shutterstock

For several years, lawmakers across the U.S. have been drafting policy to address concerns about ocean plastic. In Oregon, a key recycling labeling task force elected a representative from an ocean environmental group as vice chair.

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National bottle bill likely to land in Congress soon

Published: February 9, 2022

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

In the draft bill, deposits are set at at least 10 cents for containers under 24 fluid ounces and 15 cents for containers larger than that. | Veja/Shutterstock

West Coast lawmakers plan to introduce a national container deposit bill that one advocate says has a better chance of passing than past proposals because of wide “industry engagement.”

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Bottle bill backers see opportunity for action

Published: January 26, 2022

Plastic soda bottles.

Backers of bottle bill updates in Massachusetts and Vermont were able to progress legislative proposals that they say could be primed to pass in 2022. | Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

Over the past year, the recycling policy discussion nationwide has focused mainly on proposals that force producers to pay for packaging recovery. But significant activity around container deposits is also taking place, particularly in the Northeast.

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Governor signs recycled-content mandates into law

Published: January 19, 2022

N.J. Governor Phil Murphy

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, seen here speaking in May 2021, signed recycled-content mandates into law. | lev radin/Shutterstock

New Jersey’s governor signed into law requirements that manufacturers use post-consumer resin in rigid containers, carryout bags and trash bags.

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Experts discuss trade-offs of recycled-content mandates

Published: January 12, 2022

Empty PET bottles for recycling.

A recent webinar brought together experts to cover the benefits and complications of recycled-content mandates.| Monticello/Shutterstock

Recycled-content laws are a tool for driving post-consumer resin demand. But what if producers are given too many outs, feedstock is in short supply, or the mandates actually result in greater environmental harm?

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New Jersey bill passes (and other recycled-content updates)

Published: January 12, 2022

New Jersey state capital building in Trenton.

New Jersey is the latest state to look anew at recycled-content mandates as a way to force demand pull for recycled materials. | Real Window Creative/Shutterstock

New Jersey lawmakers approved legislation mandating recycled plastic be used in rigid containers, carryout bags and trash bags. Meanwhile, a West Coast advisory committee has recommended recycled-content requirements for plastic tubs, thermoforms and cups.

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Recology steps back from much-watched plastics ballot measure

Published: January 12, 2022

Recology company building exterior.

Recology contributed millions of dollars toward signature-collection efforts, which succeeded in bringing a measure to voters in California. | Tada Images/Shutterstock

After bankrolling a successful effort to qualify a plastics-fee measure for California’s 2022 general election, hauler and recycling processor Recology has forgiven $2.75 million in loans and will distance itself from the push, according to state records and the company.

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Plastic pollution draws federal and global attention

Published: December 1, 2021

Flags from various nations against a blue sky background.

The U.S. Secretary of State has indicated U.S. support for a global plastics pollution treaty. | Gerain0812/Shutterstock

The U.S. has signaled support for a worldwide agreement to reduce marine plastic pollution. Meanwhile, the EU is drafting stricter export rules, a watchdog group is mapping plastic dump sites, and researchers shared findings on the greenhouse gas impacts of virgin plastic shipments.

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Lobbyists report on federal recycling proposals

Published: November 3, 2021

US Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

Legislators in Washington, D.C. are working on two infrastructure bills that could have plastics recycling implications. | LLoughran/Shutterstock

A proposed virgin plastics tax of 20 cents per pound has been axed from the Democrats’ social infrastructure bill, according to an industry lobbying firm.

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