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Tag Archives: regulation/oversight

Ameripen weighs in on draft federal labeling law

Published: July 2, 2024


Sen. Jeff Merkley is working on a draft bill that would set federal parameters around recycling labels on consumer packaging, called the Truth in Labeling Act of 2024. | 9dream Studio/Shutterstock

Due to its size and tendency to be on the leading edge of environmental law, California has long been seen as the bellwether, setting policy that other states will later follow – or that producers and manufacturers take as de facto law nationwide when it comes to standards. Continue Reading

Michigan reports 23% recycling rate, record high

Published: July 2, 2024


Michigan is on track to achieve its goal of 30% recycling rate by 2029. | OnePhoto/Shutterstock

The recycling rate in Michigan reached a record high of 23% in 2023, keeping the state on track to achieve its goal of a 30% recycling rate by 2029, according to a press release from the state’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. Continue Reading

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Chinese shredder parts excluded from import tariffs

Published: May 30, 2024


The U.S. Trade Representative’s office recently extended a tariff exemption on shredder parts that wear down until the end of May 2025. | cybrain/Shutterstock

The U.S. Trade Representative’s office has extended tariff exemptions that cover certain shredder components imported from China, drawing praise from the Recycled Materials Association. Continue Reading

INC-4 starts revisions, runs into tension on production

Published: May 1, 2024


The week of negotiations had moments of both hope and frustration for delegates, who are racing against the clock to create a final treaty. | Photo courtesy of IISD/ENB Kiara Worth

The fourth meeting to draft a global plastic pollution treaty ended just after 3 a.m. on April 30 with general agreement on the need for global rules and mandates on product design, composition, performance and extended producer responsibility. 

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Fourth global plastic meeting digs into details

Published: April 24, 2024


Delegates made opening remarks at the first day of the fourth United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting in Canada. | Photo Courtesy of Earth Negotiations Bulletin

The first day of the fourth meeting to draft a global plastic pollution treaty started off with speed as delegates acknowledged the time crunch to get treaty text prepared.  Continue Reading

Panel digs into intersection of design, recyclability

Published: March 26, 2024


The first day of the annual Plastics Recycling Conference covered the state of the industry and the ways that recycling can improve with better packaging design and stakeholder collaboration. | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling

Plastic packaging could be designed for recycling from the start, rather than squeezed haphazardly into recycling systems after the fact, with greater collaboration and stakeholder involvement along the entire value chain, several speakers said Monday at the Plastics Recycling Conference in Grapevine, Texas.  Continue Reading

Chemical recycling not ‘recycling’ in Maine

Published: March 6, 2024


The bill passed the state Senate 21-13 on Feb. 6 entirely on party lines, the House 76-56 on Feb. 15, and was chaptered into law on March 5. | Yurii-Prohonnyi/Shutterstock

Although there are no chemical recycling facilities currently operating in the Pine Tree State, any starting up in the future will be considered “chemical plastic processing” operations subject to solid waste facility permitting, and their process will not be considered “recycling,” lawmakers recently voted.

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Plastic ban case keeps moving in Canadian court system

Published: January 9, 2024

Plastic bags

A court case challenging Canada’s ban on some single-use plastic items is moving through the court system and appears poised to head to the Supreme Court. | Pavel Kubarkov/Shutterstock

A federal judge quashed an order from the Canadian government declaring all plastics to be toxic substances, but the effect of the ruling is still unclear. 

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UN meeting again ends with much unfinished

Published: November 28, 2023


The slow progress of the U.N. committee tasked with crafting a global plastics agreement has many frustrated, but others see sunshine on the horizon. | Courtesy of INC-3

As the third meeting of the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee wrapped up in Kenya, delegates once again expressed frustration about the slow progress toward an internationally binding resolution on plastic pollution.  Continue Reading