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ALPLA, Klockner Pentaplast expanding RPET capacity

Published: February 2, 2022

Cornerstone ceremony for the new PET recycling plant PLANETA of ALPLA and Coca-Cola FEMSA in the municipality of Cunduacán. In the picture (from left to right): José Friedrich García Mallitz, secretary for the economic development and competitiveness of the State of Tabasco; Guillermo Arturo del Rivero León, secretary of the government of Tabasco; Carlos Torres Ballesteros, ALPLA managing director for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean; John Santa Maria, chief executive officer of Coca-Cola FEMSA; and Abraham Cano, mayor of Cunduacan.

Executives pose at a ceremony for a new PET recycling plant backed by packaging company ALPLA and Coca-Cola FEMSA in Cunduacán, Mexico. | Copyright: ALPLA

RPET capacity is expanding in North America, with two companies announcing new facilities or machinery that will add up to 110 million pounds of RPET to the market.

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Avangard to ‘cohabitate’ mechanical, chemical recycling

Published: February 2, 2022

Avangard's Waller, Texas facility seen from above.

Avangard Innovative’s Waller, Texas facility will be home to the first U.S. deployment of Honeywell’s chemical recycling technology. | Courtesy of Avangard

Avangard Innovative has become one of the first examples of a large mechanical recycling company embracing chemical recycling technologies.

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PlastiCycle’s new location positions it for growth

Published: February 2, 2022

Inside the PlastiCycle facility.

PlastiCycle’s Nashville facility has two grinding lines and a pelletizing line, which the new Franklin, Ky. facility will also get, in addition to a wash line. | Courtesy of PlastiCycle

Plastics reclaimer PlastiCycle will double its capacity and invest in a wash line as part of a $6 million expansion project.

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Our top stories from January 2022

Published: February 2, 2022


A “problematic plastics” list that included PS packaging was of interest to readers in January. | Minh Mi Goi/Shutterstock

The publication of a list of “problematic” plastics, a Canadian crackdown on product labeling, a discussion of recycled-content mandates and more drew our readers’ clicks last month.

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Bottle bill backers see opportunity for action

Published: January 26, 2022

Plastic soda bottles.

Backers of bottle bill updates in Massachusetts and Vermont were able to progress legislative proposals that they say could be primed to pass in 2022. | Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

Over the past year, the recycling policy discussion nationwide has focused mainly on proposals that force producers to pay for packaging recovery. But significant activity around container deposits is also taking place, particularly in the Northeast.

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Europe roundup: UK cracks down on recycling claims

Published: January 26, 2022


Earlier this month, PreZero opened a plant in the German municipality of Eitting, near Munich, that will sort up to 120,000 metric tons of lightweight packaging a year. | Courtesy of PreZero

More plastic recycling is coming to Europe with Biffa and PreZero announcing expansion projects, while a U.K. advertising regulator is targeting big brands for their bottle recycling claims.

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Global tensions drive high oil prices

Published: January 26, 2022

Oil pumps at sunset in Russia.

Oil price movements could put upward price pressure on virgin resin prices, improving the marketability of recycled resins. | ded pixto/Shutterstock

Oil prices are hitting a seven-year high, following tension around the latest COVID-19 variant and Russian pressure on Ukraine.

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Groups react to ‘problematic’ plastics list

Published: January 25, 2022

PS foam containers on blue background.

PS packaging made the list of problematic materials.| Minh Mi Goi/Shutterstock

The U.S. Plastics Pact says PS and PVC packaging and other materials should be phased out in coming years. A curbside recycling operator called the potential elimination of PVC and PS packaging “two really big steps in the right direction,” though several groups criticized the Pact’s work. Continue Reading