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Optimistic outlook for the plastics recycling market

Published: July 10, 2019


The average blended value for recyclables at U.S. MRFs was recently calculated at around $35 per ton. | hiv360/Shutterstock

With overseas import restrictions, tariff impacts and domestic market volatility, an erratic business environment has become the norm for recycling operators around North America.

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Export hurdles create trouble for rigids and film recovery

Published: July 10, 2019

Bales of plastic films for recycling.

2017 brought the lowest volume of film recovered and sold since 2010. | taniascamera/Shutterstock

Non-bottle mixed plastics and film recycling have experienced their first major drops in a decade, two studies indicate. But amid the challenges, domestic use of both streams increased.

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Our top stories from June 2019

Published: July 10, 2019

Baled plastics

The acquisition of a U.S. PET reclaimer captured clicks last month. | Lipik Stock Media/Shutterstock

A diverse group of stories drew readers’ attention last month, touching on chemical recycling, infrastructure needs and a legal case.

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