In court recently, former CarbonLite CEO Leon Farahnik’s attorneys elaborated on the financial conditions that led to the company’s bankruptcy. | Bragin Alexey / Shutterstock
Companies owed money by CarbonLite say the PET reclaimer’s failure came amid “gross financial mismanagement,” and they want an in-depth investigation. CarbonLite’s lawyers pinned the closure on a lack of brand owner support and other factors.
Legislation awaiting the governor’s signature would classify mixed plastics that are generated in California and exported from the U.S. as “disposal” rather than “recycling.” | Sumrit Tesrumphun/Shutterstock
California lawmakers have approved a bill that would no longer allow scrap plastic that is exported to be considered recycled. The legislation now heads to the governor for final consideration.
Plastic bale wrap used to store livestock feed, such as silage, is now being collected for recycling through a Cleanfarms pilot program. | Photo courtesy of Cleanfarms
An analysis of agricultural plastic recycling in Canada found that there’s plenty of room for growth.
A number of companies recently gained approval to use their technologies to produce recycled resin for sale into food and drink packaging markets. | Nixx Photography/Shutterstock
A chemical recycling startup, a massive resin producer, equipment providers and packaging producers are among the companies that have received the green light to recycle plastic into food and drink packaging.
Greystone Logistics recycles about 88 million pounds of post-consumer HDPE per year into plastic pallets. | Freedomz / Shutterstock
A major manufacturer of recycled-polyethylene pallets experienced lower sales and income figures in the last year, but company leadership was pleased with the numbers given the myriad market challenges of late.
A pilot project at a facility in Denmark is being backed by a number of packaging and recycling stakeholders. | Nordroden / Shutterstock
A European materials recovery facility will install sorting detection equipment to identify digital watermarks on plastic packaging.
A leader with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition compares and contrasts the first two U.S. state EPR laws. | KWJPHOTOART / Shutterstock
The Plastic Odyssey project has been in the works for five years and is planning to launch late this year. | Courtesy of Plastic Odyssey
Plastic Odyssey, a project that will demonstrate open-source plastics recycling equipment and business models in countries without developed waste management infrastructure, is preparing to embark on a trip around the globe.